Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the printing and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum is considered standard plaque text since the sixteenth century, when an anonymous typographer took a character box and assembled them to prepare a sample text. He has survived not only for more than five centuries, but also for the passage to video-paging, which is essentially unchanged. It was popular in the ’60s with the spread of transferable fonts “Letraset”, containing passages of Lorem Ipsum, and most recently by layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Regione Puglia
Provincia Lecce
Abitanti 94 467 (30-6-2023)
Estensione 241 km²
CAP 73100
Prefisso Telefonico 0832
Codice Istat 075035
Codice Catastale E506
Denominazione Abitanti leccesi
Santo Patrono Sant’Oronzo, Giusto e Fortunato
Festa Patronale 26 Agosto
Sindaco Attuale in carica Carlo Salvemini (01-06-2019)
Comuni confinanti Arnesano, Cavallino, Lequile, Lizzanello, Monteroni di Lecce, Novoli, San Cesario di Lecce, San Pietro in Lama, Squinzano, Surbo, Torchiarolo, Trepuzzi, Vernole
San Pietro Vernotico